Who do the You Tube that you do?

When I pulled out of the driveway there was a low lying fog in the hood. Then an unfamiliar car sped by. It was a little creepy. I picked up Little Finger and we continued the next 0.22 miles to the AO. If it weren’t for the kankle we would have walked or rucked.  As we gathered, Amen needed to find his KB so he ran down to Blackbeard’s house to see if it was on the porch. It wasn’t, but 66 had an extra. As we were about to start, Blackbeard appeared from the darkness but he didn’t bring Amen’s KB. Or did he?  I can’t remember.  With that, I spouted off the disclaimer and proceeded to warm up with girl fighting, mountain climbers, calf stretching, IST, toy soldiers, wind mill and cotton pickers. I think it was the first time nearly 5 years of F3 that I didn’t SSH during my warm up. Crazy, I know. 


So…the KB exercises came straight from some video I saw in my Facebook feed and I’m dam proud of it. 

1x each up to 5x each….right arm clean to OH press to squat, Merican, left arm clean to OH press to squat, Merican

Right arm Zamparini to end of the parking lot and left arm Zamparini back. 

6x each up to 8x each….right arm clean to OH press to squat, Merican, left arm clean to OH press to squat, Merican

Right arm Zamparini to end of the parking lot and left arm Zamparini back. 

1x each up to 5x each….right arm lawn mower to OH press, Apollo Ohno, left arm lawn mower to OH press, Apollo Ohno.  

Right arm Zamparini to end of the parking lot and left arm Zamparini back. 

6x each up to 8x each….right arm lawn mower to OH press, Apollo Ohno, left arm lawn mower to OH press, Apollo Ohno. 

Oddly, we were just about out of time at this point…..but just enough time for J-Lo and flutter kicks with KB press. 


Someone took notice that the Asian triplets were present and accounted for, T-claps to 66, Titan and Knockout for posting together. 

Sorry (not sorry) about the You Tube workout. The kankle limits my mobility. 

De-fined Coffee was a happening place at 6:30am. Check it out on Friday’s after your workout!!

TAPs for Holiday’s FIL, Dill’s nephew and my co-worker, Adam. 

It’s always honor to share the gloom with the men of F3 LKN!


The Count