Who is the Q?

Event Date

Aug 01, 2020

At 0602 yesterday there were still Pax getting out of their cars.

At 0603, Tantrum turned to YHC and asked something like "are you Qing today?"  One could definitely interpret Rooter's Preblast Tweet as such so…yes…why not!

0604:  We finally set off.  We ran over to Stephen's Road, down to then end where it meets the trail, and back.  We did some stretching along the way. Back at the AO, we did one lap around the track followed by more stretching; joined by the River Rat crew.

All in all, we ran about 3.5 miles with plenty of stretching.  A pretty good Excelsior if I say so myself.  Many of these men would double down later at The Estate.  A fine morning.