Who let the DEER out?

I arrived this morning and 2minutes warning 'til 530am and suddenly a big deer decide to stroll the Oakhurst pavillion. Venison anyone? just kidding. we didn't harm the deer. Alright, let's get down to the business. I mean Stretch.

Stopeto was there but not on pax list.

Since it was cold this morning we did some nice warm up

Windmill x20, Cotton Picker x20, Wide Legged Forward Bend

Downward Facing Dog, Standing Half Forward Bend, Standing Forward Bend, Forward Bend, Big Toe Pose, Bow Pose, Sphinx Pose, Low Lunge, Toes Pose, Recling Hand to Big Toe, Cobra Pose, Cow/Cat Pose, Reclining Pigeon, Child's Pose, Cobbler Pose, Akward Airplane Pose and Reclining Cow Face.

Yes, we did all that for 45 minutes. 

Great work by all. Amazing group.

Omaha, Thank you for the opportunity. 

Next Wednesday Nov 1st, Stretch Armstrong will move to Mt. Zion unless you want frozen fingers. I hope there's a ceiling fan inside. Ask Toxic.

Thank you Toxic for taken us out. Amen!