Who needs a Weinke?

Let's start with the Moleskin:

YHC did not have a Weinke – just a rough idea based on a previous lightly attended workout.

Sponge Bob did it with a 35lb ruck.

Tantrum asserted, with a well-timed delivery, that it lacked creativity.

Ramrod thought it was too easy – he's barely 30 years old.  That's why.

DDP and I thought it was hard since neither of us had workout out in a while.

The 4 comments immediately preceeding this one are about the crawl bear ladder up the hill with burpees at the top and squats at the bottom.

Major Tom, Turnpike, Tantrum and Ramrod ran 6-9 miles before the workout even started. Dang.

I am not 100% sure but I think Ramrod beat Gray Ghost in an impromptu sprint on the way to Mary?  Never mind that Gray Ghost can run a half marathon mile in under 88 minutes (and Ramrod most likely cannot) – it was 40 yards of glory for Ramrod!

Sponge Bob rucked a bunch of miles before the workout started and still crushed it.

T-Bone counts like a drill instructor.  And, he Q's a lot.  Thanks for the leadership brother.

Lawn Dart's deadpan commentary on T-Bone's comedic talent before warmorama was entertaining.

Freedom IS Isotope – good to have you back out again brother. You are unstoppable. 

Milwaulkee's "Beast" is getting stronger every workout.  Keep it up.

It's always an honor to Q a workout with Snake Eyes in attendance.  We always say it's you versus you at F3, but if you pay close attention, he always pushes himself on every exercise.  He's inspired me for 3 years and 7 months since I started working out with this amazing group of guys.

Oh, the workout?  See below:


Pledge of Allegiance

SSH, IST, Cotton Picker, Crabawockeez – all x 15 IC

Slow Windmill x 10IC

Lap around the track (1/4 mile)


Crawl Bear Ladder Up the Hill – Burpees at top (5 to 1), Squats at bottom (2 to 10 by 2's)

Cinder Block Work – random counts due to excessive mumblechatter

  • Overhead Chest Press
  • Low Curl
  • High Curl
  • Full Curl
  • Overhead Tricep Extensions
  • Chopping wood
  • The Burner

Mosey to Loading Dock

People's Chair plus 20 overhead air presses IC – repeato

Lap around bus lot (1/8 mile)

Protractor – 30/60/90/60/30 for 10 seconds each

Walk across lot to shake it out since Tantrum's first 10 count took 30 seconds

Repeat Protractor (didn't let Tantrum count this time)

Mosey to Smoker's Lounge

Slow Dips – 2 rounds of 20 IC

Mosey to Bus lot playground

Hand Release 'Mericans x 10

Partner Rows on Rings x 10 – repeato

Bear Crawl/Crab Walk across bus lot (alternate every three lines)


Low Flutter x 40IC

Freddy Mercury x 20IC