Who Needs A Weinke When You Can Just Wing It at Fission?!

Event Date

Jun 20, 2019


FNG-1 is Party Rock

Humid and soupy this morning.  My original plan was to use the F3 Deck O Pain.  Then I decided that I would do 4 corners on the field instead.  As I was pulling in I noticed signs that said to keep off the field.  After planting the OST shovel flag, I moseyed over and checked the field…pretty nasty.  Well…there goes that one.  Who needs a plan anyway when you have all this terrain to explore…

All in all 7 gloom warriors met their match and it went a little something like this!

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey one lap around track that I just realized was there last week.

Warm O Rama

All exercises in cadence unless stated OYO

15 SSH

10 IST

10 Cotton Pickers

10 Wind Mills

10 Toy soldiers



Mosey to bars by the soccer field.

10 Pull Ups OYO

10 Dips IC

10 Inclined Merkins IC

Rinse and Repeato dropping by 2 until 5 rounds completed.

Mosey behind the school.

Oh…there is some hopscotch?

Oh there is more hopscoth but with tables.

5 8 Count Body Builders IC

10 Step Ups each leg OYO

10 Decline Merkins IC

Peoples Chair

Add Air Press

Then add touch dem heals

Hold it for 10 and recover

Mosey to Back of the school.  

Oh look there are some "islands".  Lets island hop

Lunge to far island

15 Squats IC

Bear Crawl back to other island


Lunge back to far island

10 Squats IC

Duck walk back to island

10 CDD

lunge back to far island

5 Squats

bunny hop back to island

5 Cdds

Mosey back to start.

Wait? What are these?  10 Incline Merkins on the bike racks.

Mosey to flag

Audible, take anouther lap while YHC gets his distraction device also known as a phone.


15 dying cockaroacha

15 pretzel crunch each side

15 low flutter

15 J Lo

10 Monkey Humpers

Recover Recover

Moist Moleskin

Not bad for winging it.  Thanks for everyone who came out.

Hollywood has perfect form on Duck walks.

Tripper was doing his thing as his owner hardly broke a sweat??? way to take advantage of the "modify if necessary"

Jimmy O really wanted me to audible back to the deck o Pain

Dr. Seuss and Beefcake there usual selves (been a while BC, good to see you)

Party Rock had some choice words for me…being I introduced him to these shenanigans…and you are welcome!

Always an honor to lead my brothers.  Thanks for the support.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q Cousin Eddy.

Live Life.  Own Every Second. Never, Never Take Anything For Granted.

Humbly Yours-
