Who ordered the DJ? (aka Mad Sci has a roommate)

We arrived to what initially appeared to be a DJ set up in the deck.  As the Workout proceeded, we quickly realized that Mad Scientist has been invaded and now co-habitates with a personal trainer on level 2. Why level 2, maybe level 1 isn't good enough and level 3 is too much. Here at F3 we use all levels. YHC made no changes to the plan, and we proceeded on schedule. 

*Note, the one guy there seemed really out of place and looked forced to join his M. Possible EH target for future weeks if they decide to return. 

5 Met for The Standard: Frogger, Amen, Sweet C, Blackbeard and YHC. We put 2+ miles behind us and got ready for some more fun. 


Mosey to top of deck



Soybean Farmer

The Thang:

Mosey to bottom floor, grab Cindy and circle up

Complete triplet of exercises, then run to top of deck and down stairs

15 Bent over row

10 Mercans

5 Tuck Jumps


15 Shoulder press

10 Curls

5 Tuck Jumps


15 Curls

10 Skull Crushers

5 Tuck Jumps


15 Squats

10 WW2 Sit ups

5 Tuck Jumps


15 Bench press with Cindy

10 Lawnmowers

5 Tuck Jumps

That may not have been the exact order and we may had done more, Lttle cloudy 24 hours later, but you get your credit. Had to show 2 know.

Mosey to parking lot and cirle up for Mary


Passed it around to PAX

  • Birthday message to the PAX, if you would have told me 1 year ago (before F3) that I'd be getting up on my birthday to spend the morning with 18 other sweaty dudes, I would have said you're crazy. Now I'm the crazy one. This group and these relationships and helped me be a better man, husband, father and son. Thank you to Mooch for showing me the light. 
  • Labon, missed you brother, but keep MS going strong. Thanks for the chance to lead today.
  • Great job to everyone out there today. It sucked at times, but we did it together and you guys made it memorable. 
  • Thanks to the Clydesdales and Frogger for making it out to the Standard. Enjoyed the run and you are making each other stronger. Keep going.
  • All others, Q your birthday. It's a great way to start the next year of your life.