Who sweat the most?

We had 16 for a steamy run today and one thing was clear…everyone’s sweat glands seem to be functioning well. We headed down Winfield Pkwy to the greenway. Some turned back as they hit the greenway, others ran until we hit 2 mile mark and turned, and yet others went to the end of the greenway before returning to the clubhouse. 

I think people got anywhere from 3.2-5+ miles depending on speed on ability to breath.

Although everyone was very sweaty at the conclusion and there were many shirts being wrung out there was a clear victor in this unique display of manhood. Kumquat not only could have filled an 8oz glasss but then just standing in the COT proceeded to leave an enormous “wet spot” where he stood apart from the puddle where he had emptied his shirt. Kudos to you my friend…you truly are a man amongst boys when it comes to sweatiness. 

We threw up prayers for some moms (some getting better and others declining), and prayed for Die Hard’s neighbor who will be attempting to swim the English Channel this month. I rode a train under it once at 100+mph but don’t believe that was as tough. 

Thanks for all the encouragement from this group and particularly this AO. I started with F3 two years ago this week and said from the start I would never go to those running workouts. A year ago I got bamboozled into signing up for Huntersville Half and started running. I couldn’t finish 2 miles when I started but was able to get it done last December and have even participated in CSAUP relays too. I am still the slowest guy out there but I never feel discouraged or put down because of that, rather I’m affirmed and included. One of the best things about F3 I think. 

Tammy Faye (DFL)