Sliver and Bookie were also in attendance…..did I miss anyone else?

The pax still giddy from the 4 year, hash-brown anniversary celebration with L-dub the day before and falsely expecting free breakfast again showed up in big numbers as usual.  The Rock, the Chubby Buddha, was back in the hands of YHC after spending some quality time with a virgin Q last week (nice job Totebag).

Today was going to be meat-and-potatoes.  Nothing fancy – yet still YHC found a way to mangle the cadence and delivery.

Warm up

SSH's (20), 10 IST's, 10 Mericans / 15 Mountain climbers, 10 windmills.  Enough of that non-sense. 

Spot on the wall for 15 KB stand-ups (Q started taking hits), 15 of something YHC screwed up (barrage of ridicule gets worse), 10 incline mericans. 

Zamperini the rucks or KB's to end of plaza.

The Thang

5 curls / 5 overhead presses / 5 URR

Lunge walk to corner

2 burpees

Run to tables and chairs – 5 mericans

Run to corner – 5 squats

Bear crawl to corner

Run to original corner

(Increase to 10 – 15 – 20 on exercises and 4, 6, 8 burpees)

Back to cirlce for Mary

25 KB LBC's, 25 flutter presses, 15 WWII sit ups, 10 mason twists, 6 merican drags

Guy stuff moleskin

Workout started lite but finished with a smack-down.  We were supposed to get to 25 on the exercises but couldn't.  I blame everyone except YHC.

Banana Peel seized up after second round of URR's – hope all is good!  Stretch that back out!

YHC had to institute several penalty burpees for generally abhorrent and disrespectful behavior among the pax.  Nice work fellas.

YHC caught flak for dropping his ruck last round when chicken little didn't.  But – he's 7/18 my age and used 2/3 the weight I did so technically I did more.  That's not me talking that's science and math.

For some reason Deepend decided to end Mary with 6 merican drags which went over like a fart in church.

Several new guys sticking with it and doing an AWESOME job – keep coming!!!!

Regular crew getting ready for the BRR and Tuna things.  I should have signed up for both – oh well, next year (NOT)

Lastly – deepend asked on slack if anyone picked up a 20lb KB afterwards.  I can only surmise he wants to return it to the lady who left it there.  If you have it please bring it to the Brickyard tomorrow so we can get it back to her.

Prayers for Tony Robbins Godfather who passed away, prayers for Chicken Littles sister (Chicken let us know when 35 guys have to make the trip to ND) and prayers for any other needs amongst the pax.