Who’s Groucho

Event Date

Mar 06, 2019

20 IC Seal Jacks 10 IC Dippy Birds each leg10 IC Ray FinklesParking lot funEvolution of ManBefore man could run, man had to do other things. This is YHC’s interpretation.Inch worm up, mosey backDragon walk up, mosey backBear crawl up, mosey backMonkey walk up, mosey backGroucho walk (duck walk up), mosey backLunge walk up, mosey backAnd since it’s Ash Wednesday, we go “fast”… sprint up, mosey backParking lot lap The 9 minute challenge. Q sets the timer for 9 minutes. Beginning at t=0, do 3 burpees and every minute (timer sounds) do 3 more. During the 9 minutes complete 100 chest to ground ‘mericans, 100 situps (Indian style).Mosey to pull up barPax choice, 5 10 or 15 pull-ups of the following variations while remaining PAX holds peoples chairStandard pull-ups Wide pull-ups Close grip pull-upsReverse grip pull-ups (chin-ups)Max corn cob pull-ups6MoMLBCLDLFAmerican HammerDr. WReflection Job 42:5-65 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 6 Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”MoleskinWhat’s the Groucho walk? I stole it from P90X, but here are the roots https://youtu.be/_qzacv8dtb4whoops, wrong roots… https://youtu.be/nws0LT1xknwMater ruined a pair of pantsLaBon needs a watch, but not to be on time for F3.