Who’s ready for some football? Take 2

Event Date

Aug 29, 2019


Who’s ready for some football? Take 2


Mosey for a bit around parking and then We did a quick dynamic warm up of:

High knees, R Carioca, L Carioca, high knees, walking toy solider, hip rotation walk, cradle walk and then moseyed to  grab a block. 


The Thang.

I brought a baggie with 20 slips of paper with football related occurrences and each member of pax would draw a slip. Pax performed exercise that coincided with occurrence drawn. Each occurrence was performed 25x IC unless written  otherwise. Side lunges, alternating lunges, and jump squats were 25x OYO single count to not burn people out before the Iron Pax Challenge preseason workout tomorrow. The  football related occurrences are as follows:


First down – 25 LBCs

4th down conversion- 25 merkins 

Touchdown- 25 plank jacks 

Extra point- 25 alternating lunges

2 point conversion- 25 calf raises 

Field Goal- 25 W’s

Safety- 25 Freddie Mercury’s

Interception- 25 mountain climbers 

Fumble- 25 squats 

Sack- 15 burpees 

Pass interference- 25 dips

Time Out- 25 jump squats 

2 minute warning- 25 alternating side lunges 

Kick return- 2 sprints length of parking lot

Instant replay- Repeato of previous exercise (squats)

Holding- Side step with block chest press to 1st basketball goal

Two-a-days- 2 laps around parking lot

Punt- 15 pull ups

Blitz- push block on ground 1 basketball goal

Audible- 25 reps of pax choice (Curls)


PAX did each exercise listed above once. 


Once we were ready for football season, blocks were put up and we moseyed to launching point for Mary.


Mason twist 15x IC

Low flutter 15x IC

Dying cockroach 16x IC

Reverse crunch 15x OYO


Recover Recover 






Canary is probably one of the fastest cadence callers I have met. His fast calling cuts the repetitions in half.


Hasselhoff, Mona Lisa, and Bob Ross always a pleasure to work out with you gentlemen.


Strong work by all. 


Bootlegger, Canary, and Tugboat thanks for Showing up to support my first time and Q at Samson.


I’ll be back to visit.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q,

Cousin Eddie