WH’s Birthday Return

Event Date

Jun 04, 2024


YHC rolled into the parking lot early to warm up with a lingering groin injury and was pleasantly surprised to see Waffle House’s car already there. A Viking regular, he has been out with a back injury and finally got the clearance to resume activities. With almost everyone recovering or nursing an injury we ventured into the park for a slow paced bootcamp.

Mosey to the upper picnic table for 2 sets of:
Incline merkins, dips, slow squats, various calf raises, step ups, squats, and praying mantis.

Mosey to the rock pile for:
Curls, shoulder press, goblet squats, bent over row, chest press, skullcrusher.
Mosey to the bottom of the hill for:
Merkins, squats, LBCs

Repeato rocks and repeato Merkins, squats

Head back to homebase for 5 minutes of Mary. Recover, recover

Great to have Waffle House back after a stint on the IR and happy birthday. Prayers for JB’s knee and that he gets some good feedback from his visit tomorrow. Prayers for Canucks back and continued healing. Great to see Shake who continues to crush training for the Kiawah Tri. Great group this morning and 100% coffeeteria attendance. Thanks to Canuck for taking us out. If you made it this far in the Backblast Viking is in major need of some Q’s for the summer months. Sign up or reach out! Until next time.