Why did Samson have a jawbone?

Event Date

Oct 19, 2023


Great morning with some great PAX. There was significant mumble chatter regarding the disclaimer and then before we even started the workout we needed to have a quick refresher for the MQ (and others I’m sure) on the details of the biblical Samson. (i.e. what’s the jawbone about?) If you don’t know this one see Judges 15:15…trust me worth your time.

Nothing fancy about the workout but good work from everyone. Drebin and Frogger are faster than they look, they led the way on the suicides. 

Thanks for letting me Q.



Here’s what went down:


Warm up

Run to top of lot



Windmill 10IC

Slippery dip 10 IC

Arm circles

Get Blocks

Curls 15 IC/skull crushers 15 IC run lap

Overhead press/bent row 15 IC run lap

Chest press/lawn mowers 15 IC run lap


Island Merkin suicides

5 1st island

10 2nd island 5 1st island then plank

5, 10, 15, then plank

5, 10, 15, 20

One more set with blocks (no laps and 12 reps)

Back to launch for Mary (LBC’s, low fluttter, Freddie Mercury)