Why didn’t YOU grab the Q

Event Date

Jul 31, 2021

While YHC and Sonar were lifting heavy things with Hefty yesterday we were wondering, "Who has the Q for tomorrow?" Oh look, it's open… F3Denver was put on notice via Slack that the Q was empty and that if nobody claimed it by 1900, YHC was going to make them pay for it. And pay for it the PAX did. 9 Legends (in our own mind) met up in the parking lot. Our fellow PAX traveling to the Spartan Super today were also in the parkinglot. But they weren't there to pregame with a warmup, just to watch us work. Kaczynski was eating a banana while wearing the socks of the most high. I Assume so anyway as those holy OCR socks had more holes than a … block of swiss cheese.

7 IC Dippy Birds each leg
1x The SSH
15 IC Monkey Humpers
Chumbawamba Tubthumping Burpees, i think you got 31 if you did all of them.

Parking lot things (Exercise up the incline, mosey back to start)
Karaoke Right
Karaoke Left
Lunge Walk
Reverse Lunge Walk
Bear Crawl
Crawl Bear
Dragon Walk (You knew it was coming) Canceled due to time. I guess I was feeling generous, or maybe guilty of what was about to come.
Quadraphilia to finish it off
Run 50%
Run 75%
Run 100%

Partner up for “Catch me if you can”
Partner A runs Quadraphilia away from partner B. Partner B does 3 burpees then runs to catch partner A. Flip flop, repeato til Q calls time which should be when there is about 35-40 minutes left

Time for Chelsea
30 minutes of every minute on the minute of 5 pull-ups-10 merkins-15 squats Rest when needed. Modify as needed but work hard! This is a crossfit WOD. The goal was for nobody to be able to complete all 30 rounds. Goal completed. And that means that you  pushed yourself to the limit. GOOD JOB!

Only time for some LBC’s

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. Proverbs 21:5