Why do I beat myself up so?

Event Date

Apr 28, 2018


Why do I beat myself up so? I'm always sore the day after my own Q, so that's either a testament to the different exercises or Qdrenaline.

Moses, Aussie, and Outlaw (I think) did a 2.5 mile standard and then showed up for some real punishment. Grumblechatter was heard at the usual places, mostly from Outlaw, but honest attempts were made even for exercises like Metronomes (which nobody WANTS to do) or the Little Baby Flutter Crunch Press (which nobody CAN do).

Jersey Boy Rule #1: Modify if you have to, but not just because you want to.

A Prodigal Son, Maverick, joined us after an extended absence and I'm sure that he soon regretted having done so.

(There’s no warm-up. It’s all just hard work.)

  • MOSEY round the field
  • 40 Goose-Steps
  • 40 Girl Fights
  • 2 I-Hops (one over Outlaw’s burpee limit)
  • 30 Bear Squats
  • 60-Sec Crucifix Plank
  • 30 Crab Toe Touches
  • 30 Pirate Ship Ride
  • 20 Spider Man Merkins
  • 30-Sec Side Wall Planks
  • 20 Lean-Ins each arm
  • Overhead Triceps Extension on Bar
  • 180-Reps Armageddon
  • 60-Sec Card Table
  • 40 Folding Card Tables
  • 20 Karate Kids each leg
  • 20 Little Baby Flutter Crunch Chest Presses
  • I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up
    • Leg Throwdowns
    • Rock Swap
    • Bent-Over Rows
    • 400 Meter Run
  • 20 Oblique V-Ups each side
  • 20 Rocking Horses
  • 20 Metronomes
  • 60 Halos (double-leg circles)
  • Upside Down Plank
  • 30 Superman Pulses

Outlaw took us out for the COT after someone reminded me to do the name-a-rama (my brain gets fried during workouts). Despite only doing one I-Hop (one-legged burpee) per leg, I still got punched by Outlaw. Justiable punishment for not showing up at Paininsula lately, too, so I took it like a man.

Moses volunteered Boar Hog to guest-Q at BRP, but when reminded about his involuntary conscription at Waterbean later, Boar Hog turned away as if I'd launched a water balloon at his face.

Thanks for your participation and fellowship, gents! It's much more fun when others show up.