“Why don’t any of these guys do F3?”

Event Date

Jul 15, 2024

YHC arrived about 5:15 and Frontier 5:20.  Frontier kept asking, “Where is everyone?  Vacation?”  YHC kept reassuring him, “We’re just here early.”  Well, when 5:30 arrived but no other pax did, we got to work (call it light duty perhaps).


We spent some time with stations and easy moseys but it didn’t take much to break a sweat today.  And we got plenty of reps in to polish the guns.

But just as much focus was spent on EH opportunities.

First the fit guy who parked right by us while we were doing warm-o-rama and pull-ups.  In shape and had toys!  But not F3.  WTH????  We chatted briefly.  Minimal EH, but it was implied.

Then next time up that way another guy had arrived to join him. 

Then while polishing the gunz we noticed another pax coming our way!  Nope, just “Purell” out for a power walk in the heat.  Fist bump and hello, offer to join us, reminder we’re here Mon/Thurs, etc.

Then while on the rope on the low altitude side of the parking lot hear comes one of our running pax to say hello!  Nope, don’t know him.  We said hello with welcoming eyes.  He ran faster.

We did stop to chat with the 2 at the top with the toys.  Hope to see them again and EH them more.  We’ll get 1 or both of them.  Count on it.

Safe travels to Frontier this week.  See you Thursday for YHC’s Q at Samson.  11 year anny.
