Why is it still cold?

We all woke up thinking it’s spring and the thermostat read 38 degrees.  So, we had to keep moving to stay warm.

We moseyed to the bottom of the hill at the park and warmed up.  Standard warmup.

Then we moseyed the long way to the rocks for a burner decomposition set.  After the first set, we zamporinied our rocks back to the park entrance and back.  After the second set we moseyed.  After the third set, we dropped our rocks and moved.

On the way back to the AO, we did mobility work and wall work, ending with Mary at the cars.

In the end, we covered 1.4 miles and burned a total of 499 calories.  

Good work men!

Prayers for Dennis (Deep Dish’s father in law) and Vergue’s mom.  And continued prayers for Crabby.  Time to get him back out.
