Why is the Q so angry today?

Ruckers met for The Standard (Snoopy was late but then again he had more weight than anyone = 47 lbs). Lego, Cooter, DonHo and Snoopy.

DonHo asked me this week if this was going to be a "ruck friendly workout" and based on the fact that I don't ruck (note – all of you guys are under 40), I couldn't tell you if it was going to be friendly or not.  After the first sprint, it was noted, "this is the least friendly ruck workout."  Noted by YHC, and forgotten #idontruck

In all seriousness, when Snoopy passed me on the sprint with 47 pounds on his back…. #humbled  Great job men!  I mean I personally would have probably just packed on 3 more pounds to make it an even 50 but who's counting 🙂 

As for the "anger" part, it's less about anger and more about competitiveness.  I am on a group text and the main group of guys out of Huntersville / MacAulay sent a text last night saying, "we should do Cauldren tomorrow…"  I of course was like "WTF…I have the Q at the Foundry tomorrow…." and as I learned they were messing with me (poking the bear) they themselves put the below upon themselves and other Pax were unfortunately caught in the crossfire.


  • Mosey / weave through lot to warm up.
  • SSH X 25IC
  • Cotton Pickers X 15IC
  • Toy Soldier X 15IC (the hamstrings were about to get worked, and everybody knew what was coming – #sprints

Da Thang

  • Line up 4 lines wide.  Okay then 3….that'll work.
  • Sprint from pull up bars all the way to light near woods entrance
  • One legged burpees X 15 OYO #notruckfriendly
  • Sprint back to monkey bars
  • Mountain climbers X 25IC
  • Sprint back
  • Hand release burpees X 10 OYO
  • Sprint back to bars
  • Planks / down merkin count to 10 and up X 3.  YHC counted slowly.  #lotsofgroaning

Line up along monkey bar island facing parked cars

  • Bear crawl to next island, plank until all get there and hold it, merkins X 10.  YHC was bit by two fire ants during this first adventure to the island just to add to the pain.
  • Inch worm to next island (these are worse than bear crawls any day of the week – and a new favorite of mine).  BamBam of all struggles with coordination here.  #needspractice  Plank, right arm up, regular, left arm up, plank….HOLD IT….and recover
  • Bear crawl to next island #chestisburning  Plank, merkins X 10IC #spent
  • To the woods we go

The woods

  • Queue the music….oh $&%^ YHC forgot my iPhone in the car….#&$^%*@*%#&^$*&#@
  • Count off by 3's and rotate around stations
  1. Sandbag presses X 15OYO
  2. CB Curls X 15 OYO
  3. Australian Pull Ups X 15 OYO
  4. Repeato entire cycle
  • One round of Monkey Bars.  OMG after the stations, YHC felt like my forearms were not going to hold up. #madeit and I think every guy made it across this time, including all of the ruckers.  Overbudget brought us home!  Nice job!

Out to the cars, with Cindy in hand

  • Queue the music (thanks Lego for carrying out)
    • Rush "Tom Sawyer" for TommyBoy (he hates rush but started the Cauldren crap)
    • Partner Up
      • Partner 1: Louis Z
      • Partner 2: Run around lot (fast) while Partner's shoulders get smoked.
      • Repeato = NOT!  YHC called an audible here
    • CB work
      • CB Swings X 20OYO
      • Chest Press X 20 IC with Low Flutters
      • Skull Crushers X 10IC
    • Return Blocks to woods
  • Mary
    • As I strategically placed the speaker next to TommyBoy for Mary, and played more Rush for him (loudly) we did one minute of Freddie Mercuries.
  • Recover Recover


  • I pulled into the lot at 5:05 today and saw 4 cars in the lot.  Nice job ruckers!  Sorry for the non-friendly ruck workout today!  Again, you're all in your 30's… #nosympathy
  • I overheard BamBam say to someone…"oh you can expect Bear Crawls today with a Ditka-led workout."  #done!
  • Snoopy with a 47 pound ruck – dude, you are not human, passing many of us on the sprints too.  
  • Bummed knee and all, Overbudget can still sprint faster than most of us
  • TommyBoy and Raven – nice job on pysching me out yesterday on the group text.  #motivation to make sure I wasn't going to lose Pax to Mr. Burns.  Mission accomplished, score = 18 YHC, 13 Mr. Burns.  Better luck next time Burns.
  • Everyone rocked it today, and I appreciate you all coming out to support YHC, The Foundry, and of course this great thing we have with F3.  Let's pray hard for Hasselhoff in the loss of his uncle yesterday!  #extraprayersyourway
  • Thanks DHo for letting me take the healm today!
  • For all of you needing to Q, and many of you need to, sign up on the Calendar…like today!  I'd personally prefer you start by looking at The Mighty Oak first 🙂 
  • Don't forget about the non-ruck rucking event (oxymoron?) for the Delta!  Find more on Twitter and F3 Isotope.

Until next time – Ditka's out!