0. Side straddle hop (20x), windmill (10x), carrot puller (10x)
Bear Crawl upstairs to quiet culde sac
- Sweden – star jumps (10x), shoulder touch planks (10x), sprint the circle and mosey to bottom of hill
- Finland – flutter kicks (15x), Front lunges (10x), finishers (blast off merkins) (10 oyo) mosey you queens corner
- England – Freddie mercury’s (10x), quick feet (20x), emperial squats slow (10x) mosey you circle of pain
- Poland – plank and sprint circle, plank jacks (15x) mosey to back side of hill bottom on front side and back up
- Alps – mountain climbers (10x), Belarusian burpees (5 oyo), run over hill, 5 Hungarian half burpees, run over hill, plank it out mosey to Travoltas house
- Quick stop in Montenegro (Travoltas house) for monkey humpers (10x) mosey to rocks
- Romania – grab a rock, full curls slow (6 ten counts 5 up 5 down), man makers (10-8 counts), overhead press (10x), chest press (15x), mosey to clubhouse
- Mary 4 minutes