Wilderness Gott Fried

Fifteen men found a way to post at Wilderness this morning following another ho-hum meeting between cross-town rivals Carolina and State last night. I had promised donuts and coffee if State had pulled off the upset but began planning for the alternate suck fest well before tipoff. State fans aren’t known for their optimism.

Opening Tip

We started off with a short mosey to the basketball courts with Butt Kickers because — well — we got our butt kicked (again) last night.

  • Disclaimer: YHC is a State fan. Enough said.
  • Side Straddle Hop, 48 IC (+1 single count)
    • 97 total, the number of points UNC scored
  • Carolina Dry Dock, 26 IC
    • wanted to do 36 +1 for the 73 points State scored but shoulders were smoked
  • Makhtar N’Diaye, 12 IC
    • 24 total, the point difference at the final buzzer

Full Court Press

Partner up, choosing a partner that can handle the same rock as you. As expected, no one wanted to partner with a State fan initially, but The Count reluctantly joined me since Landshark had a sore shoulder and had to red shirt a portion of the workout.

  • Partner Push
    • Partners put arms on others’ shoulders and P1 pushes P2 across court while P2 provides resistance. Flapjack at other end.
  • Partner Pull
    • Partners hold hands between them. P1 pulls P2 across court while P2 provides resistance. Flapjack at other end.

Ball Drills

Next we moseyed to Hugh Torance where we got in two lines and ran Native American style to the rock pile near the circle. Each couple grabbed a suitable rock for later use. Then instructions were given for a modified Dora 1-2-3:

  • P1: 100 Merkins, 200 WW2 Situps, 300 Skull Crushers
  • P2: run to Queen’s Corner, do ball drills (jump squat simulating a player shooting a basket) and run back
  • Switch roles and complete a combined total of each exercise. For drills, each partner does 1 the first time down, then 2, then 3, etc.

Perfecting the Flop

We again ran Native American style to the grassy hill just before the clubhouse.

  • Quadrophelia up the small hill
  • Turkish get-ups preceded by a Duke Flop (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
  • Run down hill

Put in the Second String

The pax moved to the circle in front of the clubhouse and got on their sixes for a modified ABCs where instead of going through the alphabet, I called out the letters to be traced:


Recover, recover.

Game Recap

  • I believe Megaphone ran circles around us during CoP. Thanks for the extended fly by
  • Calypso preblasted a standard but left TBone (anyone else?) alone. I guess he didn’t want to hear the criticism because he skipped the workout as well
  • The Force thinks every State fan should give a disclaimer at the workout to let the pax know we are there. With 9Lives in training and Stray on business trips most of the time, there won’t be too many disclaimers being given
  • Landshark came out despite a sore shoulder. Strong performance to do a modified workout the entire time we were out there. T-claps
  • 200 sit-ups cause cramps.
  • When we got to the Duke Flops, some questioned why we hadn’t done the “Grayson Trip”. I had considered it during the Indian Run, but didn’t want to get ejected from the workout
  • Jimmy O thought he knew what was coming in the ABCs, but didn’t expect the Manhands-like end from a fellow MOTY
  • The Force brought donuts since my deal fell through with the loss. It felt good hearing some pax say they were stale. No, I’m not bitter

During the prayer, I mentioned that rivalries are all well and good but in the end we are all children of one God and we should not let our differences (whether trivial like sports, or more significant such as morals and beliefs) keep us apart. Instead we should treat each person with dignity and respect and recognize that despite our differences, we all have something to offer toward making one another better off than they might have been without us. The men of F3 have definitely provided that enrichment in my life and I thank each of you for molding me into a better man. Aye!