Wilderness in the suburbs

Event Date

Nov 18, 2021

7 pax showed up for the beat down this morning and we started a minute late due to people arriving on a bike (Walmart special) and running (which took longer than expected…big surprise).

Did a warm-up and then hit the basketball court for anything but basketball. 

5 burpees, bear crawl length of the court, 25 Merkins, high skips

4 burpees, crawl bear, 20 Merkins, lunges

3 burpees, bear crawl, 15 merkins, bunny hops

2 burpees, backwards run, 10 merkins, karaoke

1 burpees, run, 5 merkins, recover

20 dips on bike rack IC

15 incline merkins


mosey to first set of rocks

15 curls, over-head press, skull crushers with rocks

mosey to Queens corner for 15ish WW2's

5 burpees, run up the hill, 20 Rocky Balboa's, run down the hill

4 burpees, run up the hill, 20 mountain climbers, go get a rock

with rocks 15 curls, OHP, skull crushers

mosey to Q corner for 15 LBC's and dot the I's

Mosey back to clubhouse for 15 Freddy Mercury's 

recover recover.


Great morning, not too cold and all seemed to be in good spirits despite the tasks at hand. Glad to lead another Q…with less people this time making slightly less chaotic. Still learning but understand how to dish out the pain. 


Tammy Faye