Wilson’s Back

10 of LKN's finest stood up to the Fallout and bested the beast within.  2 Ruckers and 3 Runners took on The Standard.  It was cold morning, but not too cold for these cowboys.  

Mosey to top of parking lot near school house entrance.


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 20 IST IC
  • 15 CP IC
  • 10 WM IC
  • 1 min Girl Fights


  • Partner up (size always matters, just not today)

ROUND 1 – 200 Squats

  • Partner 1 run 100M to the pole (the furthest one MiniMe) and back 100M
  • Partner 2 begin AMRAP squats until partner 1 returns
  • Flipflop – repeato until all 200 squats complete

ROUND 2 –  same deal except 150 Muricans

ROUND 3 – 100 Burpees (that struck a cord!)

Mosey to picnic tables near track

ROUND 4 – AMRAP dips until partner returns from 1 lap around the track

INDIAN RUN with Wilson around parking lot once


  • 20 WWII Situps IC
  • 20 BBCs IC
  • 20 Flutter kicks IC
  • 20 W's IC
  • 1 crisp, clean burpee


?Each of the PAX put out strong work today.  There was not one lagging behind.  An F3 Workout should feel at somepoint like you hope to escape with your life.  For me it was right after the words, "100 Burpees" escaped my lips.

  • 66 you did catch JimmyO  Strong work with the Ruck before hand and then crushing the workout (with a broken finger)
  • Hoff – impressive… most impressive.
  • MiniMe – you can correct me anyday.  Thanks for standarding with me and Lawndart
  • Mona Lisa – you smoked each round.  Your a beast!
  • Bob Ross – Killed it!
  • Cornwallis – thanks for making the trek to support me Qing – BOYZ
  • Elmers – kicked it in the teeth today, bro.  Noice!
  • JimmyO – Well done my friend.  Way to put in the miles. #always3rd
  • Lawndart – thanks for the chance to Q Fallout again.  Or maybe I should thank JollyRoger 😉


Lifting up Coby and the man with shingles this morning.  God… heal 'em up for us!  Amen.


Christmas Party Saturday and volunteers needed for HVH to man the water stations.