Wilt Would be Proud

Event Date

Jun 26, 2019

Also present, Zair.  YHC for the lonely standard.  Good to see The Geek out and about.


  • Slow Mosey to the corner of parking lot
  • SSH 20 IC
  • TS 10 IC
  • WM 10 IC
  • CP 8 IC
  • GM (Good Mornings – Bend over to the front) 8 IC
  • Mosey to the parking lot/track w/ Rocky Balboa on Curb

Set One

  • Bataan Death March
    • Indian Run around track
    • Last pax drops for 5 Burpees and catches up to tap next pax on the way to the front
    • Repeato for all pax
    • Almost 3 laps today

Set Two

  • Block Work
    • Curl – 15 IC
    • Skull Crusher – 15 IC
    • Swing – 20 OYO
    • Shoulder Press – 15 IC
    • Goblet Squat – 10 IC
    • Chest Press – 15 IC

Set Three

  • Bears and Blocks across two basketball courts (100ft)
  • Incline Merkin – 10 IC
  • Block Slides back across basketball court
  • Burpee – 5 OYO
  • Repeato

Set Four

  • Repeat Set Two

Set Five

  • Wilt Chamberlain
    • Sprint two basketball courts (100ft)
    • LBC – 100 OYO
    • Sprint back to start
    • Squat – 100 OYO
    • Sprint two basketball courts
    • Flutter Kick – 100 (each leg) OYO
    • Sprint back to start
    • Lunge – 100 (50 each leg) OYO


  • Mason Twist 20 IC
  • Low Dolly 15 IC
  • Box Cutter 15 IC
  • Plank

Recover Recover

We had some studs today.  No complaints (except from me) and everyone pushed through the WCs.  I’ll admit it was hard to run the next day!
