Wind, Unwind, Broga

Event Date

Jun 29, 2024

10 bros appeared in the sweatbox, ready to get at it and get better. The SVU duo of Shirley and YHC converged at Mustang, pre-gaming with some cycling down an Ingleside/Old Plank/Mariposa route. All were excited about the blue F3 shirt vs black F3 shirt competition that appeared out of nowhere. Also, all were excited about helping with Bertha’s move afterwards. Here’s how it went down.

WarmUp – Cheetah Q
SSH, Slow Windmills, ISW’s, arm circles, merkins, mountain climbers, and finally dippy birds #CrowdPleaser

Wind it up – Cheetah Q
Lunge walk west about 40 yards
burpee broad jump uphill about 40 yards
mosey east about 100 yards
crawl bear down hill about 40 yards
lunge walk west about 60 yards

water break, #QCursesSelf

Unwind it – Cheetah Q
lunge walk east about 60 yards
bear crawl up about 40 yards
mosey west about 100 yards
worm inch downhill about 40 yards
lunge walk back about 40 yards

Hips and glutes were screaming
Perfect prelude to a Berta classic broga sesh

Broga – Bertha Q

mosey over to the gym entrance…apparently because that is where the concrete is the hardest and best for broga…lol
Bertha threw down a potpourri of all the greatest hits:
– leg crossovers, knee over leg twisters, child’s pose, cobra, cat/cow, birddogs, pickle pounders, dying cockroaches, LBC, and Freddie Mercury

felt great…everyone’s sweat angels and sweat Rorschach tests were lovely

Reflection: Psalm 86: 10-12
10 For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.
11 Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.
12 I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.

* Good luck Soldier as you head to Clemson this fall!
* T-claps to Mater and Clark for being injured and still walking/scaling. Good on ya!
* T-claps for the gang that headed to Bertha’s and helped him move 156′ to his new space. Excellent coffee and sustenance as well.
* Oh, and black F3 shirts edged out blue F3 shirts 5-4

Always a pleasure to lead

