
12 Pax got it done at #Wilderness this morning. Out Cold, Whiskey Tango, and 4-way Are not approved in the system yet and listed as FNG’s.

Here’s the summary:


Warmarama: “Commander” Run from Checkpoint 1/Base to the traffic circle.

Upon arrival at the traffic circle, each Pax got a rock that spoke to his soul. Then we did a Zamperini to traffic circle for…

Two rounds of 52 card pickup:

-Each Pax drew a card;

-Face/royal-cards results in a THREESOME of 5 burpees, 5 ‘Mericans, and a Suicide run around the traffic circle before returning to the deck for the next Pax to draw

-All other cards resulted in Pax choice of exercise for the number of reps on the card

We did a total of 9 Threesomes, equating to 45 burpees and 45 ‘Mericans, and 15 Pax called exercises.

Mobility Moment

The game of 52 Card Pickup was ended by YHC as he began hearing the rocks call our name so (IC):

-curl x20 (40)

-overhead press x20 (40)

-squat x20 (40)

-skull crusher x20 (40)

-bent over row x20 (40)

-calf raises x20 (40)

-chest press x20 (40)

Recover/Rocks up

Mosey back to base

Recover, Recover

COT/Namarama/ Announcements/Prayer


Toxic’s mumble chatter was in full effect this morning. Burpees, ‘Mericans, and Suicides must have been meant for us today.  The Pax REALLY enjoyed drawing royal cards today (even after multiple shuffles, cuts, and being allowed to draw from any part of the deck vs just the top card. Today’s Wilderness experience was all about our new (former?) FNG’s this morning. Whiskey Tango and 4-way decided to race during one suicide lap, but the rest of the Pax couldn’t decide whether it was a race or a rugby match, resulting in 4-way wiping out. He was a good sport about it though. Out Cold, Whiskey Tango, and 4-way all got some Q practice in today leading all Pax to encourage them to VQ soon.


TONIGHT we will hold a F3 CPR class at Lake Forest Church (8519 Gilead Rd, Huntersville) from 6:30-8pm.  M’s and 2.1’s are welcome to attend. Please save the date! https://f3isotope.com/f3-cpr-training/

-Amen needs Q’s to signup for Wilderness!

Prayer Requests:/Praises:

-Unspokens among F3

-4-way for his wipeout (knee and pride)

-Ultraman’s mom and her continued health and care (also pray for his father with caregiving for her)

-Caregiving issues among many Pax with their parents and deteriorating health conditions

Always great to start the day with my F3 brothers. Thanks for lending me the keys to the AO Amen!

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, etc.)