With a little help from my friends

Event Date

Mar 10, 2023

Warmarama (Ultraman guest Q):


Dwight Schrutes


Sloooooow goblet squats


The thang:

When Q yells “SQUATS” everyone stops what they’re doing and does 27 squat jumps, on my up. (Y’all are lucky it’s only my 27th birthday.) This happened four times at roughly 5:42, 5:52, 6:02, and 6:12, for a total of >100 squat jumps (108).


After first set of squat jumps:

15x curl IC

15x skull crusher IC

15x shoulder press IC

Run up one floor of parking garage, back down stairs.

Repeato until next set of squat jumps.


After second set of squat jumps, find a wall for:

30sec People’s chair

20x SL calf raise IC, flapjack

10x each leg reverse lunge w/ bell IC

Run up a floor, back down stairs.

Repeato until next set of squat jumps.


After third set of squat jumps, on your 6 for:

15x Suzanne Somers IC, flapjack

15x (20x on repeat) KB chest press IC

10x Diamond Merkin IC

Run up one floor, back down stairs.

Repeato until final set of squat jumps.



Cobra pose

Proud -> low pigeon



’Twas an extremely flustered birthday morning for AOL, who dreamt that he had slept through the whole workout, only to spontaneously wake up and find that it was 5:31 and he was in the process of doing just that. His phone, unbeknownst to him, had been left elsewhere in the house, where its alarm had been going off since 4:45. Thanks to Ultraman for getting everyone warmed up while AOL was busy pulling his head out of his behind, thanks to God for giving AOL an internal clock that kept him from snoozing through the entire thing, and thanks to the PAX for being forbearing and gracious (which, when your Q shows up late just to immediately make you do a bunch of squat jumps, is laudable). Appreciate you guys, as always.