With a soda on the side

FNG George – now known as Good Life (entrepreneur who is currently living off of the fruits of his labor)

Today was more of a run with pain than a bootcamp – think of it as a young man's Java. 

Standard disclaimer was.. wait no it was not given. What workout? I don;t know anyhting about a workout. The suggestion of let's go and then don't trip was given. We moseyed to Midwood for a BBQ smelling infused warmup. As usual the BamBam was called and the Pax requested a demonstration. One exercise you do not want to give a demonstration for is the BamBam. I suspect the Pax know this.

From Midwood, we moseyed with various stops and assortments of p[ain to the Birkdale clubhouse for some muscle ups, chin ups, toes to the bar.. and then headed back toward Birkdale, making sure we took the hill back from the clubhouse at a good pace.

The Emmaus Pax have forgotten to count, which did not bode well. We got stuck on many exercises until Ramrod recognized the pattern and started throwing a random count in allowing the Q to finally halt.



  • Great to see Slingshot out in the gloom, started at the 6 in early September and already working his way to the front of the pack. He has his VQ Monday at Berean, show some love
  • FNG George was wondering where we were taking him. Was this some kind of sick horror movie? At the end of the workout when YHC mentioned we had covered at least 2.5 miles, he was not sure whether to slap me or hug me. He decided on the latter and even stuck around to chat it up with us
  • Speaking of sticking around – kudos to Popcorn who showed up 3 minutes late and spent the remaining 42 minutes of the workout trying to find us. He never did. But he got a good workout in along the way and then showed up for COT and stuck around for coffee chat.
  • Can someone buy a muzzle for Carpetbagger?
  • Q of the day: "Camelback, is it a hump or a bump?" 
  • Crocs is setting up a business just so he can engage his 6 yr old in child labor
  • Honeysuckle Blue is an artist. But you already knew that
  • Nacho is in a band
  • Prayers for Jedi and his daughter as she starts high school today
  • Many thanks to Ramrod for the EH 4 years ago and the chance to Q at Emmaus – the Chicken Noodle Soup of AOs