Without the Customary Courtesy of a Reach Around

11 of Race City's finest braved the pouring rain to show at the Monster Mile and partake in my 2 year F3 anniversary Q.  When I woke up this morning to an unexpected typhoon, I quicky realized two very sobering things.  1.) I had the Q and couldn't fart sack which really really sucked and 2.) I had already planned a workout that didn't include going to the pavillion at all, so we were going to get wet, real wet!



SSH x 20

IST x 10

Windmill x 10

Mosey to Charlotte Gastroenterology, for a little Top, Middle, Bottom, although it probably ended up being more like taking it from behind albeit without the customary courtesy of a reach around.


The Thang:

We used the hill at the Charlotte Gastroenterolgy parking lot to set up our Top, Middle and Bottom.  



4 Count Standing Lunges starting with 10 reps and going down by 1 rep each time



1 x Burpee



Jack Webb Stack, starting at 1 and stacking each time.  So, 1 then 1 and 2 and so on.


We started at the bottom and ran straight up the hill to the top (only stopping at the middle on the way back to the bottom), did our Jack Webb Stack and then duck walked to the middle for our burpee and then Jeffrey Epsteined (Quadrephelia,but really hoping that name sticks) to the bottom from there, where we did our Standing Lunges.  Each round we added 1 stack to the Jack Webb and reduced our Standing lunges down by 1 rep.  Lots of mumble chatter the entire time as apparently we were all in danger of either melting in the rain or drowning, still not entirely sure.

Mosey back to the start for a quick Mary, which included 71 x LBC led by Lear and then recover recover.


Overall the pax handled it pretty well as mostly just Pyle and Pinkslip were complaining, but they I think they were just having a lovers quarrel, so I tried not get in the middle of it.  We thought we lost Cheez Whiz for a while, as he disappeared into the darkeness for who knows how long.  He came back though, they always do!  Very disappointed that Deepend was a no show.  Thanks to Geppetto for allowing me to choose to lead this week and not just voluntelling me to do so.  As always, it's an honor to lead this fine group of men, once every year or so.