WOD Begins in Earnest

I'm missing one, chime in below to be counted.

14 rolled out for the 2nd day of The Week of Disruption. I imagine there will be some debate about whether this is truly the 2nd day since I took yesterday off, so I will defer to Blackbeard for the official ruling.

We ran around the Square a lot and did a whole bunch of core work in between because a strong core makes for a strong runner.

COT – We lifted up those guys who have recently lost a parent and had we have known what was going on at GCC we would have lifted up Jedi…pray for quick healing for him.


  • Eqyptian is fast! He lapped a few of us while we running four laps around the Square.
  • I'm convinced I will always do something to disappoint Outlaw, whether it's doing Pretzel Crunches or Heels to Heaven different than he expects or the fact I just can't resist throwing in a few extra THE Burpees. Just the same, thank you for giving me the keys to PAINinsula.
  • Tomorrow marks my 5th year anniversary with F3. Thank You!

