Not registered – WMD, ABBA, Stalker, Slinger, Old Soul, Nugget, Seabiscuit (The "powers that be" in the PRoD are working to get everyone registered)

For one of the FNG's it was their second post so they were named…since he is one of the pastors at DCPC we decided on Bonhoeffer.

40 strong kicked off The Week of Disruption. I was anticipating big numbers because that's how it goes in Davidson on a Sat., so, I pulled out an old standby to accommodate the crowd. I rose early to set up the Monopoly "board" at the college track. Then off to The Green to run The Especial. It's Davidson, why would we call it The Standard?!

Monopoly – I took most of the properties from the game and assigned an exercise to them. I also own 6 pairs of foam dice so we can move around the "board". I picked 6 captains and then had the rest of the pax fall in behind them, handed out the dice, and gave the basic instructions. Roll the dice, run that number of spaces, and do the exercises associated with the property you landed on. Each time you pass Go, pick up your Monopoly money.

This is one of those sneaky workouts where you end up covering more miles than you realize, today it was a little over 3 and a whole bunch of exercises.

When it was over, the team with the most "money" received a prize…cans of All Day IPA.



  • I have been a part of F3 for 5 years! This is the part where normally I would ramble on, those on the Davidson DL know what I'm talking about, but as much time as I've spent thinking about what to say, one thing keeps coming back to me…Thank You.


