Wolfpack fans, GatorBowl Bootcamp – FakeNews (so named by v2.2)

Event Date

Dec 31, 2018

also in the pax were Assissi (my v2.2) and Tracey (FNG from Shelby, NC), not on the website

Comet, Blackbeard, 9lives, and Madden24 rucked or ran to the 0530 workout. Well done, men.

8 pax posted for a family bootcamp at Fort Family Park in Jacksonville, FL on GatorBowl game day. This was intended to be a family friendly workout, to include kids. So, YHC incorporated some games, but that didn't satisfy Assissi. She called the family-friendly workout FAKENEWS. In pre-workout news, 9Lives tried to EH a local runner, who was doing laps around us. 9Lives was promptly reported to the local PD for Bullying, which was explicitly prohibited at Fort Family Park! It was time to MOVE!


warm-o-rama, including SSH (20x), windmills (10x), Perkins 10 (perfect merkins), side-stretches

Mosey to the playground for calf raises: toes out (13x), toes straight (13x), toes in (13x); for all you superstitious people, you get extra credit for this one: what percentage of 20-story hotels have a 13th floor?

7s with pull-ups and knee-ups

Mosey to the soccer field for 50 yards of partner-push and partner-pull. When you venture into the flatlands of FL, this is how you simulate hills.

Then 25 yards of itsy-bitsy spider. Stupid idea, according to Blackbeard. But, to put that in perspective, just getting up this morning was also a stupid idea to Blackbeard. While in plank position with head pointed toward the endline, swing feet around until they are closest to the endline. Then swing the torso around until the head is closest to the endline. Continue until we reached the endline. I think Assissi lost her bearing here.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for partner plank press on the picnic tables (10) and then:

Regroup into teams of 3 for back and bicep work 

  1. With 2 people standing and one person laying supine, the 2 that are standing grab the hands of the 1 and curl him/her from the ground to roughly 45 degrees. The person on the ground holds a static curl.  Alternate until each person plays each role.
  2. Same set-up, but the person laying supine does most of the work by pulling him/herself to 45 degrees while the 2 standing maintain a static curl.

Assissi was holding down the earth from sudden upheaval after 1st responder 9Lives ensured she was still alive and not in need of an ER visit. YHC did step-ups since I was the odd man out.

We next circled up around Assissi for some plank-o-rama: left leg raise, right leg raise, right arm raise, left arm raise.

Mosey to the basketball court for Red Light / Green Light. Assissi was in charge and sent 9Lives and YHC back to the start for 10 burpees because 9Lives couldn't stop moving when he was told. He blamed me…more FAKENEWS.

Circle of Pain to close it out:

  • monkey humpers, low flutter, ferkins (fingertip merkins), shoulder touch merkins, pretzel crunch, Ws, homer to marge…and maybe another one or two.

YHC prayed for no PACK turnovers and lots of 1st downs tonight. I know…selfish.


  1. Thanks to Blackbeard for getting this group moving when the bowl game was announced.
  2. It was an honor to lead you this morning. Thanks for going against your better judgment and following me for 45 minutes.
  3. Tclaps to Tracey for surviving his 1st F3 post. Well done. I'm sure your Shelby, NC brethren are looking forward to seeing you in the gloom. Don't let this be your last post. #AlongForTheRide
  4. James – next time, brother. F3 is good for you. This will make you stronger…smelling.
  5. Once Madden24 started talking, I decided it would have been better to not have encouraged it all day yesterday.