Women Heart Glutes

Event Date

Feb 14, 2018

FNG-1 is Mater – Nice to meet ya

Warm Up


20 x Mountain Climbers IC

20 x monkey humpers IC

15 x Imperial Storm Troopers IC

The Thang

Head to the track

Count off to 5 to pair up teams

Teams must complete each of the following – when you finish hold squat

4 Laps (1 mile or 1600 M if you are metric)

2 Backwards laps (.5 mile of 800 M)

100 lunges

100 reverse lunges

100 squats

100 step-ups

100 sit-ups

2 PAX bolt at 6AM due to work commitments – Count off again to 4 and odds on one team even on another

Half it up for round 2 – when you finish hold squat

2 Laps (.5 mile or 800 M if you are metric)

1 Backwards lap (.25 mile or 400 M)

50 lunges

50 reverse lunges

50 squats

50 step-ups

50 sit-ups

Mosey back to launch pad the long way ~300 M


Mind went in the gutter and decided to adjust Mary exercises … don’t want you old men pulling something on heart day

10 x Reverse Pickle Pounders IC #DontMakeEyeContact

10 x Pickle Pounders IC

25x Low flutters IC



 “Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished.” – Og Mandino

Matthew 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Fortunate group as we have families that love us, let us never take it for granted regardless of the day of the year.

Prayers up for a family that recently lost a 24 year old son to heroin overdose. This is a real problem men.



  • Majority of the PAX concentrating on getting their miles in for Run Ranger Run T-claps

  • Glute work was intentional

  • Holding the squat was a difficult adjustment for those that are used to planking …. Some were making the Pax hold the squat for a bit longer

  • I’m sure each of you got to know your team mate just a little bit better this morning with team work

  • Thanks for allowing me to lead you guys today, now return the favor