Wool socking it

Event Date

Aug 22, 2023


A great showing by all today at FKT. My goal was to work you SOBs hard and that’s what I did.

I saw that the Q was open, so I said why not me. To my wonderful surprise the evening before omega reached out, saying he was coming. I was very excited to see that tan man . And man did he and his tan come out and perform.

On the pre-blast I told everyone that the work out would be tough. I love the fact that 12 Strong chargers came ready to roll.

I soloed, the 5 AM standard, while Frodo, DonHo, cherrybomb, and (maybe someone else? I can’t remember hoody?  Cobra?) defiantly missed the early standard with Core Standard.

Ampm rocked some core with me before the work out.

Right before the real action began, I think about half of the shirts came off, maybe more. If that’s not a reason to come out to FKT I don’t know what it is.

Right at 5:30 we began with three straight minutes of Tabata Merkins. That’s 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off times six rounds. I’m pretty sure everyone did about 120 push-ups in three minutes. I’m pretty sure auto did more. probably 200.

Right before we started the mericans, I did hear cherry bomb, say, like a little wuss, “isn’t this supposed to be a running workout?” for shame cherry bomb

We then ran to the Birkdale clubhouse. Once again, we did 3 min 20/10 Tabata switching between Merkins and squats. I’m pretty sure everyone got another 120 push-ups and 120 squats. I’m pretty sure my form sucked on the squats and swing states was perfect. I’m also pretty sure that swing state was judging my form.

Within ran to the top of Knox Hill where we once again did a three minute 20/10 tabatta of Burpee‘s. Yay Burpee‘s!

Of note, it was hot AF. Like hot. Like steamy-hot. Like as hot is 2 rats f’ing in a wool sock-hot. And after the 750 Burpees in three minutes, Smokey said “I thing this is a sweatiest I’ve ever been.”Ummm… that’s what she said.

We then ran to the bottom of Knox Hill and then back up again. At the top we did 10 more Burpee’s.

We finish the trek by running back to the AO, getting slightly over 4 miles.

Fast people is what we had today. Swingstate, cherrybomb, Frodo, hoodie, and the young omega just dominated the speed today. Omega suggested that Tuesdays he likes to win. He certainly won today.

Everybody worked their ass off. Cobra was fast and strong,  Kozar was fast and strong, ampm was fast and strong. It’s just great to see the discipline required to be in enough shape to do that work out, that quickly, and in that heat (remember the rats)

Noticeably quiet today, Don Ho. Or maybe he seemed quiet because he was so far ahead of me I couldn’t hear him.  But I did hear him say, “it’s a requirement to do Burpee’s when you get to the top of Knox Hill” and Dag nab it I couldn’t agree more.

I look forward to getting it after next week at FKT.

As always, LFG!

