Working out in a steam room sucks – but 8 men apparently thought it would be a good idea.
- SSH X 25IC
- LCC X 15IC
- Dippy Bird X 10IC each leg
- Windmill X 10IC
Head to the back and grab a block – make your way to the front play ground – split into 2 groups.
- Group 1 – Wooley Worms x 15IC
- Group 2 – Block Curls
- Flip Flop Repeato
- Group 1 – Reverse Wooley worms x 15IC
- Group 2 – Block Squat
- Flip Flop Repeato
- Group 1 – Wooley Worms x 15IC
- Group 2 – Shoulder Press
- Flip Flop Repeato
Run to top of LBH
- Jane Fondas X 15IC each leg
- Monkey Humpers X 15IC
Back to front playground
Repeato entire sequence above but starting with Reverse Wooly worms.
Run to top of LBH
- Bird Dog Pointers X 15IC
- Fire Hydrants X 15IC each leg
Grab blocks and take them home.
- 5 minutes of varies planking exercises with a few supermans for rest
- Freddy Mercury X 15IC
- American Hammer
- Metro's 2.4 was the peanut gallery as she tapped away on her tablet
- She figured out quickly that Skipper likes to fart
- and quick to call out several pax that were not working out with the group
- VQ tomorrow at Mustang
Pleasure to lead this AM