WoRAC Finishes with a Bang at The Glen

 A gradn total of 25 men posted to Then Glen.  Bonanza, Thing 2, Sledge Hammer were also there but they aren't on the website.  The WoRAC had its Grand Finale and the pax showed up to endure one more beatdown for the week.  There were 

We did some warmups and did 5 burpees after each set.  Then we made a grand tour of The Glen. Stopping first at the Pullup Bars and 5 pullups, 5 burpees, 5 Merkins, 5 Squats, Repeato Mosey to the hill at the bottom of the baseball field.  Split into 2 teams and bear crawl race to the top. Loosing team 5 burpees.  Winning Team 4 Burpees.  Mosey over to the Pendulum of Pain.  5 Burpees at the top of the first hill run down to the bottom and back up the other side 10 merkins return to side1 5 burpees and plank and wait for the pax.  Round 2 Repeat the same as round 1 adding 15 LBC and  20 squats.  Mosey from here over to the large sledding hill we talked about how hardcore Lear is and we bearcrawled down the hill after laughing about the time he slammed his forhead into the fence post while sledding.  Not too many groups have a 70 year old Machine like Lear.  From there we went over to the stairs bunny hopped up and then went over for some dips at the crack shack.  We threw in a few more hills here and there that we ran up backwards.  Another trip up the stairs bunny hop style. We finished with Mary

Pillow Talk – Crack

Cupcake Alphabet M A K E R A C E C I T Y A N D A M E R I C A G R E A T A G A I N 

Recover, Recover

Great work over this past all by all the pax and thank you for raising to the challenge durring WoRAC

Pushing orsleves to attend more workouts makes us all better and stronger

Chicken Little and Nymph were named Co – MVP's for WoRAC for Multiple workouts with rucks on standards and attending all workouts durring the week. Great job men. 

A grand total of 24 earned the WoRAC patch for getting atleast 10 points durring the week.  

We had several FNG's this week and named several new guys welcome all these new guys when you see them.  

Thanks again Crack for EHing me over 5 years ago. This group has made me a better man and I'm lucky to be apart of it.