Work Hard, Pray Harder

12 of the finest Isotope pax worked hard, prayed harder, and carried our keys as we remembered our friend, Schneider, at Arnies Army. Here is their story:


Gypsy, Hoodie, Turncoat and YHC met The Standard for ~3.1 miles






SSH x 25 IC

IST x 10 IC

Carrot puller x 10 IC

Mericans x 10 IC




Mosey to the field


Jacobs ladder – 1 burpee/10 WWII sit-ups going up to 10 burpees/1 WWII sit-ups


Mosey to monkey bars – everyone through


Pull-ups x 10 OYO


Mosey to the blocks & partner up


Partner 1 grab a block

Partner 2 run a lap



Partner 1 farmer carry

Partner 2 burpees x 5 OYO – run to catch partner 1

Flapjack until you finish a lap


Full curls x 12 IC

Block press x 12 IC

Skull crusher x 12 IC


Mosey to the bridge

Pax plank while pax bear crawl x 2

Peoples chair

Air press x 20 IC


Mosey back to the blocks


Full curls x 12 IC

Block press x 12 IC

Skull crusher x 12 IC

Block swings x 12 OYO




Homer to marge

Low flutter x 25 IC

Low dolley x 10 IC

Mericans x 12 IC


Recover recover





  • Several pax carried their keys with them today as we remembered our friend. Thanks for the stories Jorel and the idea of carrying keys this week in rememberence. Seems appropriate to carry them all week. 
  • Started and ended in prayer for Schneider's family. We could all use more of that especially in a time like this.
  • Awesome to have Jorel back at Arnies…never missing an opportunity for TWSS
  • Ninja Turtle can farmer carry with the best of em
  • Crimson is a TB12 fan despite what his shirt says
  • Thanks, Gypsy, for opening up about your neighbor Gino going through some tough times with his brother passing. We will be praying. 
  • Kosar was shot out of a cannon on Jacob's Ladder…strong
  • Cooter Cooter Cooter and Perrier back in action crushing burpees…welcome back kotter
  • Roadie wants pax to…ummm…play with his pivot table
  • Ramrod prefers star gazing to burpees
  • Hoodie and Turncoat only get half credit but they did farmer carry so theres that
  • Thanks to Auto for the opportunity to Q at Arnies. So blessed to have this group in my life. But F3 works because it helps to put men in your life to keep you accountable. Find those men now when the conversation is easy because it is so much harder to do when times are tough. Crimson had a great message as we finished. If you need to talk, about anything, grab another pax for coffee or lunch or post at a beatdown. It is hard to be vulnerable with another man but we all need it in life. Keep posting and keep the conversation going. Until the next time…

Don Ho