Working off Spring Break at Arnie’s Army

1 week away from F3 on spring break and it was time to work off the bad eating and maybe an IPA two (Or more….many more….)


Mosey a lap in the lot





The Thang:

Run a lap

8 burpees

REPEAT 5 Rounds

Tabata time:

4 minutes of Merkins – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off….

Run 2 laps

Grab a block

Tabata time again:

4 minutes of curls – 20 seconds on, 10 secondes off…

Partner up

Partner one bear crawls Around lot
Partner 2 runs a lap and catches him.
Flapjack till bear crawl one lap

Mosey over to pull up bars

Over to pull up bars.  
Partner 1 –  10 pull ups
Partner 2 – 5 squats

Ladder flapjack going down 1 pull up
Going up by 5 squats

Audible to stop when you get to 5 pull ups

Back to parking lot

Partner 1 Does broad jump burpees
Partner 2 runs a lap and catches him. Flapjack till lap is complete (audible and only did about a half lap

Mary for about a minute


  • Thanks Auto for the opp to Q at this great AO with a good group of regulars.  
  • Lots to do over here, with a big tire, plenty of blocks, pull up bars, monkey bars, dip bars…Great AO
  • Thanks Caboose for pointing out this is the day i try to rid my body of the spring break toxins and yes i know it's not your fault
  • Lots of people doing the standard before…i ran there so i'm counting myself too!  🙂
  • Looking for a new Master Q at Dragon Slayer – anyone, anyone, Bueller, anyone?  

Thanks again as alwasy to this great group of F3 men that push me every day.

See you next time,
