Working Out at Someone Elses Pace

The mumblechatter was at an all time high this morning within the PAX as promised by the Master Q. A kettlebell workout occured despite the banter and despite the ridicule of the Q's weight. So here's how the HBD workout unfolded.

Warm a rama up:

SSH x10

IST x10

Squats x10

Cotton Pickers x10

1st Set:

Goblet Squat x10

Kettlebell Swing x10

Step Ups x10 OYO

Low Deep Squat KB assisted x10

Recovery Shuffle side to side around the AO

2nd Set:

Clean n Press x20 (10 each arm)

Lawnmowers x20 (10 each arm)

Outhouse Curls x20

Skull Crushers x20

Curls x20

Recovery Shuffle side to side around the AO

3rd set: Happy Birthday Set

KB Swings x39

Curls x39

Skull Crushers x39

I had more but in hindsight 39 straight reps of any workout is just CSAUP.

Mary: Stretch n Abs

PAX called either a stretch or an Ab workout. The one thing we don't do after workouts is stretch, but as this seemed to be hit or miss, mostly miss for our resident Physio Big Mean as it fell short with him on the static stretches.

Recover Recover

Banter: As mentioned before Big Mean and Contra kept it lively with the chatter, Chief was grumpy and a curmudgeon most of the workout, Cupcake came up with the title of this backblast, and ManHands joined us for the COT after being a lone wolf runner.  All in all normal morning for the RC PAX give em hell during and hug it out at the end.  Prayed for all the Soldiers abroad and at home, for the PAX to be better Dads, Husbands, and Brothers and thanked the Big Q in the sky for the opportunity to be there amongst such fine fellows. 

Big Ups to Motorboat for letting me run the Q gauntlet on my 22nd birthday….22 in my mind…


Doolittle and Enron were in the PAX too..