Worthy of a Backblast

Event Date

Jan 06, 2023

There was a preblast and we hit all 5 F3 principles, so it’s worthy of a backblast. 8 men braved the cold and did some good ol’ fashioned speed work.


1.25 mile run

The Thang

5 x 1km at 5K pace. 2.5 minutes recovery between sets.


1 mile run.


Everyone got between 5.5 and 7 miles dependent on routes/speed/etc.


  • At approximately 0511, Enron saw who he believed was Hall Monitor running and with murderous intent, attempted to run him down. Sources say a mysterious Toyota Corolla egged him on by nearly rear-ending him into the runner.
  • The Incogs both showed and didn’t show. 0515 is too late a start for some (Hall Monitor) and too early a start for others (Dallas and The Count). Talk about bucking the status quo.
  • Popcorn regaled us with his tale of nearly being a victim of redneck justice in West Virginia. Thankfully, a would-be murder witness drove up at just the right time to distract his assailant giving him time to run away Forrest Gump style.
  • Cobra came out to what I believe is his first Candy Shop. He’s trying to get in some more miles and we were glad to have him. We expect him at FKT this Tuesday.

Thanks to those who chose the suck this morning. It wasn’t easy, but it made the coffee taste so much better. Until next week – CB