Sometimes you wake up and just know its going to be a rough one.  Today 49 men (missing Kojack & one other left early) decided to embrace the humidity and hills for a nice long hour AMRAP, here is their story:

0445 – 9lives, Tweetsie, Mort and maybe some others thought running before the bonesaw was a good idea.  I will let them explain why in the comments below.

0515 – Quick instruction, thourough disclaimer, a little moaning by YHC and we were off.

Run across 115 and then AMRAP from Stoplight to Stop sign until 6:08 and see how many you can get in.


Day 2 will continue with an extra credit run launching from Wynfield Forest Clubhouse at 7:45 tonight.

Day 3 of Week of the Pirate will venture up to Cornelius for PAINinsula. 

Then on Wednesday we go even further up to the backwoods of Mooresville, NC to pay homege to Snake City at The Brickyard. 

Day 5 on Thursday will take us down south the Mtn Island at Cobalt.

And Friday we will head out west for some more running in Denver for a little Odyssey field trip. 

#WOTP concludes with how I was introduced to F3 at a F3 Dads workout which will be Co-Qd by Devo from F3 Davidson.  That will be 0700 at Smithville Park in Cornelius.  Make it out to all 7 and you earn a patch!

To today's run, wow!  Really strong runners out there today.  From memory (forgive me if I missed you) Mort, Smokey, Snoopy, Creeper & Turnpike were leading the pack today. 

So this was supposed to be another check in, we ran it on 6/6, now again on 7/11 and we will run one more Pre-BRR on 8/8.  Hopefully you can see some progress. 

Great to see bigger numbers out today, on 6/6 we had 37, today 49.  Great thing is we had alot that are not even running BRR.  Great to see the fellowship too.

Titan, thanks for telling me to smile, i couldn't breathe at that point but a smiling corpse is always better than a frowning one.

Jedi, thanks for starting the high/side fives as guys went buy.  Encouraging!

Great to see Dallas back after he was brutally attacked by someone who spent 4 years getting paid to play baseball but still can't avoid nailing somebody in the ribs…

Team Smokey may be a contender for Team Mort.  This should be fun to watch…from a distance…way behind 🙁

Silver Bullet, where can I get one of those white tank tops with nipples.  Looks good on you.

Well men, thanks to Tantrum and ET/Pierogi for converging their running workouts here today.  Its awesome to see so many guys out there pushing the limits and makes it so much more fun when you have a big group training for some #CSAUP.  Also thanks, as always to Black Eye Pea for inviting me to my first workout 3 years ago.  It was something I needed and wanted but didn't know existed.  Don't be afraid to tell other guys what you did this morning at 0515, somebody is praying for you to share this gift!
