#WOTP Day 4 – The Brickyard

Every morning I wake up and say this is the day Man Hands won't touch me inaapropriatly.  And every evening I go to bed disappointed that my goal was not reached.  But today, I met 21 other men who pray that same prayer.  Here is their story:

0445: Santiago told his team to run, so they did.  But do they even remember what Santiago looks like.  Is he a real person, is he a real coach, will he be at the BRR, is he Keyser Soze?

0500: Isotope Corporate Audit arrived for a little 2ndF standard and met up with Crack, Man Hands, and Honeymoon for a little meeting before the meeting.

0530: Things started off well, we jogged around to the back side of the building, Chief was confused because there were no SSH.  But it was okay. 

Then we lined up in a straight line, the Pax had a real problem with getting in a line.  It has been a good 50 years for most of them since grade school so this is understandable.  However, given their experience picketing and being unemployed you would think they would know a thing or two about a line.  Ah well.

So we did some butt kickers and side shuffles and toe benders and loopedy loos and then we were all warmed up.


SSH x 20 (IC) – much chatter about only doing ten reps and how they were scared of doing too much and blah blah blah

IST x 20 (IC)

Cotton Picker x 20 (IC) this is where the Man with Hands showed his true colors. I will leave it at that.  SMDH

Then we headed down to the loading dock for 2 sets of 10 reps on the Prison Squats.  It was here that i realized i would have at least 5 of the Pax saying "Nope, not doing it" to anything I said.  That is also when I stopped caring about what they said. (J/K I never cared)

After that we moseyed over to a big hill.  The Hill People didn't like the big hill but we lunge walked up it anyway.

Then we crawl beared down it.

Then we moseyed up it

then we went down the other side and Partner Carried up it.  (Ramrod has lost weight)  (Ramrod still is the hardest person to carry, 250lbs on one shoulder)

Then as I saw half the Pax just walking up, I figured we could do some Broad Jump Burpees down the hill.  It was then that the atttitude changed and Pierogi said at least we have gravity on our side.  Thank you for being positive!

Then I think we may have run back to the main lot and done some monkey humpers and some football shuttle drills then mary.

Some LBCs by Rent a cod

Some Low Flutters by Honeymoon

Some Mason Twists by Cupcake

Moleskin: See above plus:

Man Hands says he is 36, but we know thats not true.  We also know his real name isn't Dave Naylor but what ever witness protection program he is in has allowed him to come out with us.  For that I am thankful.

Great to see Mailman out, Big Mean says he never posts but I seem to see MM more than big mean.  Must because of my hip strength.

The Senator, what can I say.  You are blind as a bat.  Your understanding of the element of being safe vs. out and a strike vs. a ball is probably the worst or most far fetched of anybody I have ever met.  That being said, strong effort out there this morning, and you can now Recover!

Dallas/FreePass/Pierogi, well done on the incognating.  Made it more fun.

To the Fairfield 5: where is burnsy?  Glad to see you guys though.

Tclaps for Bagboy and Cupcake coming a long way away.  And Bagboy secured his fourth straight #WOTP workout.  See you tomorrow in Mtn. Isle.

Men, it was an honor and a pleasure to lead this AM.  Cupcake, thanks for giving up the Q for me and thanks to Black Eyed Pea who told me about F3 and brought me to my first workout on 7/13/13.  It has been instrumental in my life and I am very grateful to you guys who push me constantly and literally.  Now is the time to share this gift with others, if they are like me, they are praying for it now!
