#WOTP Day 5 – Cobalt

FNG 1 is Brownstreak from Gastonia and FNG 2 is Swamp Thing also from Gastonia.

You have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away and know when to take the Ace of Spades and hide it so there are no more burpees.  17 men learned this lesson over a 45min course facilitated by YHC.  Here is their story:

0530: Where is the Q?

0532: Hey Jolly, i know this is an easy workout, but flip flops?  Really?

Yeah so my bad, been having some issues with a washing machine flooding my laundry room and no clothes and blah blah i didn't leave in time to get there.  Cobains, and thanks to the Pax for waiting.

Lets roll!

mosey down the street get away from the AO, gotta go scare some peope, right?

Warm up:

SSH x 30 (IC)

IST x 20 (IC)

Cotton Picker x 10 (IC)

Mosey back to the AO and grab a deck of cards.

Circle up and each Pax picks a card.

Spades = Squats

Clubs = Carolina Dry Docks

Hearts = Monkey Humpers, because #Bae <3

Diamonds = Diamond Mericans

So pick a card and do the exercise x # of reps on the card.  Jack = 11, Queen=12, King=13, Jokers are wild (Pax pick) and any Ace = 15 burpees

Oh & in between each exercise take a run out of the tennis courts and to the top of the street.

Here are some highlights:

after 6 or 7 runs we audibled because it was taking too long.

Somehow the diamond mericans kept coming….alot

I had the pleasure of grabbing the 3rd card which was an Ace.  Excellent!

Whole lotta audibling and a great showing by the Hville/Davidson/Cornelius and Mtn Isle pax.  except Arizona…he did not show!

Hambone does burpees almost as well as Dredd…almost

Tclaps to Blackbae for completing the Week of the Pirate.  and now he is going for extra credit by heading to spruce pine tomorrow!

Men, it was an honor to lead today, had fun meeting some new faces and I appreciate you guys and El Tigre for giving me the keys to Cobalt.  Thanks as always to Black Eyed Pea for giving me the opportunity to be with my F3 brothers.  You guys have a fun group in Mtn Island, great guys, great mumblechatter, so make sure you spend some time this weekend talking it up to other contacts.  Be sure and share this gift, somebody is praying for it!
