Two days in a row of Q'ing, I was warmed up to beat the Pax up a bit today. Below is how Cindy kicked our butts today, along with a Boo Boo Bear Crawl to start us off.
- Mosey to back of lot.
- SSH X 50IC
- Cotton Picker X 15IC
Da Thang
- Sprint to cars
- Mosey to front entrance
- Descending Curb crawl – boo boo bear crawl (one legged bear crawl) there, 10 incline mericains, lunge back, 9 incline merican, repeating until you get to 1 incline merican
Mosey to woods to find Cindy
- Curls X 15IC
- Shoulder Press X 15IC
- CB Swings X 20 OYO
- Louis Z Namorama (Uncle Rico made us all suffer)
- CB Swings X 20 OYO
- Shoulder Press X 15IC
- Curls X 15IC
Grab another CB and Farmer carry to lot.
- Farmer carry with under arm bicep curl to middle of lot
- Set CBs apart to do deep mericans between them
- On Q’s notice, down…hold it (10-15 seconds), and up. That’s one, and we did 10. Okay, we may have sped up the last few…. #smoking
- CB WW2 situps – two feet between holes on CB, with the other CB on chest X 10
- WW2 with CB on feet, but not on chest X 20 OYO
- Farmers carry to end of lot
- Blockees X 10 OYO #lovethese
- Colt 30’s (not 45s this time) – low, high, full CB curls
- CB Lat pull overs on your 6 X 10IC
- Chest Press X 15IC
- Chest Press with Low Flutters (thanks to Uncle Rico) X 15IC
- Mosey, with speed, Farmers Carry to middle of lot. Rest, and go again to woods to put blocks back. #beast
- With 30 seconds to spare, I felt we needed to get the HR up again, so we did two sprints – one all the way to end of lot, and one back.
- Recover Recover
- Great job by the Pax today with Cindy. She doesn’t get any friendlier. I think other Pax were scared off by the rain, of which, it didn’t do the whole workout for you fartsackers.
- I hadn’t seen Uncle Rico at Samson before, so good to see him there…until we got to him in Louis Z. nameorama where he went on a LONG WINDED meaning behind his F3 name, of which as the Q…I ended when I saw Pax – including me – ready to drop Cindy on our heads. Rico is a beast. And, he inspired me on a few exercises to make it even harder. Nice work UR.
- Hasselhoff decided to endure my Q pain two days in a row this week. Not sure if he knew I was Q’ing Samson today or not, but solid work as always. Also, we learned that his name Hasselhoff was actually based on KnightRider and not, what I had always thought, BayWatch. Thought maybe he was a former life guard or something. Not so much.
- 66 asked if this was a Ruck Friendly workout. Folks, newsflash for everyone, none of my workouts are ruck friendly. Why – cause I don’t ruck, have no intentions of rucking, and will leave it to others to carry more weight. Jedi did give 66 the “Ditka is Q’ing…so I wouldn’t count on it…” look. He was right. Although looking back, this may have been okay for a ruck today, if you like to sprint with one on, do bear crawls with them, and sprint some more. If that’s your thing, rucks are welcome. With or without a ruck, nice work as usual 66.
- Swede is ready to Q after critiquing my cadence (or non-cadence) counting during the deep mericans with Cindy. Hasselhoff bailed me out making it a cadence count, or close to it at least. Swede, the Q is open at The Mighty Oak anytime!
- Thought Limberger was going to get back in his truck when he pulled up at 0529:45 and asked – “Ditka…oh boy, are you Q’ing today….?” “Yep…” “Oh boy, here we go…” Music to my ears! As a former TE in college, Limburger secretly loves Cindy, in many ways, because he hasn’t had guns like this since college!
- Raven still hates his F3 name everytime he says it, Turnpike is the most consistent Samson pax member we’ve got, RamRod gets stronger each time I see him…and I still think…what it was like when I was 29 years old – oh those were the days.
- Thanks to Jedi for allowing me yet another opportunity to Q. Classic quote today…”and just think when we first started Samson we only had 3 Cinder blocks. This workout has come a LONG ways thanks to your leadership Jedi. Well done, and way to take us out on the COT today.
- And a quick note – Boo Boo Bear Crawls BLOW! First time doing them. I think my legs hurt more than my chest. These will be a regular installment moving forward.
Great job again men!