Yasso fast on that coffeeteria mutiny

It was cold.  50 is the new 30.  Kinda like Burgoo.

As the pax assembled all 13 were speaking words of affirmation about calling it and going to get coffee.  The Q being a people's sovereign put it up to a vote.  Somehow about 8 pax got alligator arms.  So we ended up running.

We warmed up.

We did 4 sets of Yasso's

We cooled down

COT happened

Cold hearted and legged mutinous moleskin:

  • Yasso's are tough.  Q knew what he was doing.  Q = MQ ergo Q will be Q-ing Yasso's again.  And he threatened we will eventually work ourselves in to starting early to accommodate more Yasso's.   Q = MQ but not a Pirate, yet he gave off that "beatings will continue until morale improves" vibe.
  • Don't know of much mumblechatter as we were scattered around the track a bit, or at least I was.  Calypso did a set of Yasso's with every pace group and chatted them all up.  DM him if you want to scuttlebutt on mumblechatter.
  • What I learned today:  Mona came out strong today.  When asked what he was training for he boldly said "nothing."  But dude was training hard out there.  So here's what I learned.  You don't have to have an event to have a goal for training.  And you may not even need to have a goal.  You just need purpose and drive.  Mona has that every day.  So be a Mona Lisa.  Train hard …….. for you.