Year-end Ricky

Event Date

Dec 31, 2020



One brave Pax joined Q in the gloom for the last MILF3 workout of this exceptional year called 2020. Even with the extra half hour given, there seemed to be plenty of fart-sacking. Oh well, you snooze, you lose … delicious pork sandwiches that is.

After realizing it was just the two of us, we did a quick warm-up (SSH, Toy Soldiers, Carrot pickers, Windmills) and I informed my rapt audience that what this year needed was one final good ol' Ricky Bobby 400 (though we ended up having time to make it the 500, since Mojito is a beast and pushed Q to do more). This is a tried and true staple, introduced by Pinky and over the past few years has been heartily employed by Natty. I've even shared it with the Mighty Jungle crew, though there is no replacing Natty's flair. We set to it, with a little modification from the Q:

Ricky Bobby 500

  • 20 plank jacks (in lieu of book-end burpees)
  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 Mercans
  • 20 SSH (in lieu of Freddie Mercuries due to wet ground)
  • 20 Mountain Climbers

Run from clubhouse parking lot up to second stop sign at Overlook Mountain Rd and back, with a sprint option for the last section, though surprisingly this was not claimed. Also, as to not be running in each other's jet wash, we social distanced the run in parallel rather than Indian run. We did this five times (ergo, the "500").


We had some time remaining so we found a less wet sidewalk and did some Mary: LBCs, Jane Fondas, High Dolly, Crunchy Frog, WWII, low flutters, and Box Cutters (not sure if I forgot anything).


Even big banks have the blues. Q is sorry he's not a better running partner for Mojito – the man is a gazelle but had to rein it in for Q to keep up. We wondered where Grip was – figured he'd definitely show given the promise of pork. Mojito has been running to and from the workouts lately, but fortunately he drove this morning so he could bring his famous Cuban pork sandwiches – they definitely hit the spot after a workout. Mojito seems to have endless things he can do with the pork, such as sandwiches, tacos, croquettes, etc. He's the Bubba Gump of pork. Good way to finish out this crazy year. Wish all my F3 brethren a safe and happy New Year, and that 2021 brings more blessings. Honor to Q as always!