Yes, I Did Use the Company’s Office Supplies

Event Date

Jul 15, 2017


There was one more but I can't remember his name. Chalk it up to the fact I am one of the older RESPECTS.

The Hall Monitor asked me to Q a workout at the OG of AO's. I'm always happy to guest Q but was really honored to be Q'ing the AO where it all began for the Lake Norman region. Knowing that games are played, except when Mini Me has the Q, at BRP I had just the workout…Monopoly! Full disclosure, I learned about this workout from one of my businesss partners that posts in Ballantyne. He gave me the basics and I modified to work on the track at Davidson College. I had to modify it slightly to work on the Bailey Middle School track.

I got to BRP around 6:30 so I could set the game up…laying the properties, kinda sorta but not really, evenly spaced around the track. 8 guys rolled in knowing we were going to play a game but still wondering what I had in store.

After a quick warm up of SSH's, IST's, Cotton Pickers, and Mountain Climbers (yes, I skipped the normal stretching routine TPR is so famous for) we headed down the track. We split up into 3 teams of 3, I handed each team a set of dice and explained the rules. Roll the dice, run that number of Properties, do the corresponding exercise, repeato. We did this for almost 45 minutes. I did not have my Garmin, but am guessing we covered 3-4 miles and did a whole lot of exercises.

Here are the Properties and the corresponding exercise, so you guys know what we did:

  • GO – 10 Count (FNG Josh got us here twice, the first time we skipped it, the 2nd time YHC needed it)
  • Mediterranean Ave – 10 LBC’s
  • Baltic Ave – 10 Merkins IC
  • Vermont Ave – 10 Alt Lunges IC
  • Connecticut Ave – 10 Jump Squats OYO
  • St. Charles Pl – 10 Half Burpees OYO
  • States Ave – 10 Squats IC
  • Virginia Ave – 10 Flutter Kicks IC
  • St. James Pl – 10 Wide Merkins IC
  • Tennessee Ave – 10 Mountain Climbers IC
  • New York Ave – 10 J-Lo’s IC
  • Kentucky Ave – 10 Diamond Merkins IC
  • Indiana Ave – 10 Jack Webbs IC (Really bad idea, especially if you landed here more than once)
  • Illinois Ave – 10 Calf Raises-Toes Straight IC
  • Atlantic Ave – 10 Calf Raises-Toes Out
  • Ventnor Ave – 10 Hello Dolly’s IC
  • Marvin Gardens – 10 Plank Jacks IC
  • Pacific Ave – 10 Partner Merkins IC
  • North Carolina Ave – 10 Carolina Dry Docks IC
  • Pennsylvania Ave – 10 Mason Twists IC
  • Park Place – 10 Burpees
  • Boardwalk – 10 8-Count Bodybuilders IC

When everyone finally had enough, because with Monopoly the game never really ends we headed up to the soccer field to find a little shade so we could do some Mary and cool down


  • Swing State called me out in his Pre-Blast for his Q on The Green this Thur. I had run/posted 5 days in a row so while I contemplated posting, my body was having no part of it. He then reminded me of how I always manage to skip his workouts in his Back Blast. Swing State, you da man! Thank you for coming out to my workout and I promise I will make it to one of yours soon. Plus, I'm happy to take a Q at Mighty Oak.
  • Hippie & Jethro, always a pleasure to workout with you guys. Thanks for pushing Banana Peel, who is still pretty new to F3, beyond his limits.
  • Speaking of Banana Peel, he gets the T-Claps of the day! First, he's only been doing F3 for a few months and he brought an FNG, Josh, to the workout. Second, he had the line of the day. He asked Hippie and Jethro, what do you call it, spilling merlot? They responded asking him if he was going to splash merlot and he replies, no but I feel like crying! Classic, I will use that line in the future. Banana Peel even though you were almost reduced to tears today, you crushed it out there.
  • Josh, way to hang in there, It was HOT and humid this morning. Getting stuck with me and Swing State as teammates was cruel but you did a heck of a job.
  • Aussie, yes, Jersey Boy's LBC/Flutter kick Mary exercise was brutual on the lower back. You're looking good with all the weight you've dropped, keep up the hard work.
  • Jersey Boy, always a pleasure. You may have the most positive attitude in F3LKN
  • In case you're wondering about the tittle of this backblast. Love Shack busted my chops for using the company laminating machine for F3/personal use. When Hippie saw the laminated Properties, he questioned my ethics regarding company supplies. Dang you two, I only did it because I care about your fitness!
  • As always, I was humbled yet again sharing the muggy gloom with you men. Thank you for indulging me in a mdoified version of my favorite childhood game.

