FNG-1 is the newly-minted SUNDROP
Arrived to see pay-to-play crowd (complete with DJ station and mediocre early 90’s hard rock workout music – hello high school weight room!) had taken over DPK parking garage. I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise. FINE, we’ll just do stupid stuff right here in the parking lot and save our money for beer afterwards. My beat-down comes with no price tag other than the sweat of some brave men.
- Lap around DPK.
- High Knees, Butt Kickers to finish.
- 20 x Smurf-Jacks IC
- 20 x Curb-Kickers IC
- LBAC approx. one min
- 20 x Soybean Farmers IC
- Run to Holbrook Park
- Ski Slalom up and down a few parking spots
- Indian Bear Crawl to Pavilion x2
- 20 x Step-Ups + 20 x Dips + 20 x Derkins OYO
- 15 x Jump-Ups + 15 x Squats + 15 x Merkins OYO
- Run to Five-Points Playground
- 20 x Step-Ups + 20 x Dips + 20 x Derkins OYO
- Run home for Mary
- Oh wait, we’re too early… inclined Tunnel of Love (Bear Crawl) x 2
MARY: (for real this time)
- 20 x Partner Leg Lift & Throws
- 15 x Peter Parker into 15 x Parker Peter
- 20 x LBC
- Plank out the clock
- Sorry about the Tunnel of Love in the parking deck, anyone else get bloody knees from the broken glass? Oh sweet, just me.
- Freedom makes my workouts look easy. Thanks man, how about you break a sweat next time?
- Smurf-Jacks was apparently confusing to Jingle Bells (hint: Turnpike Q-ed the same exercise, called the same thing, at a workout we both attended, YESTERDAY). Midget-Jacks is better? Dunno, but it’s becoming a thing. Keep your side-straddle privilege in-check man.
- Beast is getting to be quite the runner. BRR teams take note, this guy makes uphill challenges look like downhill jaunts. Guess that’s why we call him Beast? No wait, we call him Beast because he moved here from Milwaukee and NEVER EVER misses a post-workout brewski.
- Strutter will ONE DAY join us for the obligatory post-NightRanger beer. That day was not today. I am disappoint. Do you have a family or something?
- Papa Smurf gets no shout-out until he brings more jerky. Dude I’m craving here.
- Shots brought a second-post FNG to us this week, after much debate about his local roots, love for open-air Jeeps and Sundrop w/ Crown (I can’t even)… we considered going all Hickory with the naming, but settled on Sundrop. Arise a man, newly anointed in the holy oil of this backblast (errr wait, that’s just beer I spilled on my keyboard, this is why night workouts are problematic on the backblast front). What was I saying? Oh yeah, good night all. Or should I say ‘good morning’ as the majority of you will likely to be reading this from your smartphone on the toilet at ~5:00am Thursday. Could have posted at Night Ranger and fart sacked it with no guilt today. Boom. Next week?