YHC’s 35th Birthday Celebration With Special Hero WOD at The Blender

10 PAX showed up for YHC's birthday Q (which I hijacked from Bunyan 1 minute prior to start, thanks buddy). 


  • SSH 25X IC
  • IST 15X IC
  • Cotton Pickers 10X IC

The Thang – mosey over to PUF with KB's and partner up

Robbie Miller Hero WOD

  • 12 rounds of 4 exercises (we did not do the run portion of the WOD due to time)
  • 6 pull-ups
  • 6 4-count mountain climbers
  • 6 burpees with squat
  • 6 KB get ups

Mosey back to front of church for the following:

  • KB swings and Thrusters OYO (3 rounds or 10 reps each and 1 round 5 reps each for a total of 35 reps)


  • 35 low flutters IC



  • I appreciate all the support that F3 has given me and that it has given so many PAX. I'm forever grateful for this group
  • We paid tribute to SSG U.S. Army Robbie Miller, a Green Beret KIA and awarded the Medal of Honor. His citation can be found here: https://www.army.mil/medalofhonor/miller/citation.html
  • Thank you, Bunyan, for allowing me to take this Q last minute despite the fact that I tried texting you last night
  • Awesome to see strong representation from the Goat Busters! Dem boys are tough!
  • Great work by all!