“You boys don’t work your forearms enough”. – Toxic

Stolen from Jedi circa Jan 2016 at Samson, we did a version of “The Bonemill” today. Here is roughly what went down:

0500: Solo run standard 

0515: Ish? Anchovy, Hoodie, and PopTart started a longer run. They shall get Backblast credit because they joined us for Mary and COT, thanks gents!


  • Mosey around the parking lot, including Karioke L/R, Quadraphilia, butt kickers, and high knees
  • Disclaimer given 
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Carrot Pullers, Tennessee style, x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 min, workout explained 

The “Bonemill” Thing:

  • 3 of the 9 Pax carried two blocks each a distance of 50 yards (ish) and back, while everyone did:
  • Block overhead press x 10 IC
  • Slow deep block squats x 10 IC
  • Block curls x 10 IC
  • Repeato until all 3 groups carried blocks once

Recovery jog around the parking lot, about .22 miles ish.

Repeato on “The Bonemill”, but with Block Mericans, Slow Deep Block Squats, and skull crushers. Then another recovery jog, then another Bonemill with: Side shoulder shrugs, block squat to press, WWIIs.

After a 3rd recovery jog, it was time for Mary.


  • LBCs with feet in blocks
  • Low flutters
  • American Hammers
  • More elbow plank
  • Shoulder touch Mericans
  • 10 Burpees

Recover, recover. We covered 1.57 miles according to Strava.


  1. We prayed for Ultraman and The Force’s Moms. Reach out to these men if you can spare a minute friends.
  2. Speaking of Ultraman, he powered through today despite a sore back. He will be pacing at the Huntersville Half (as usual) so please cheer him on.
  3. Frogger logging the miles and staying healthy. What a great thing to behold brother!
  4. Backblast title courtesy of Toxic, who also claimed the block carry distance was longer than 50 yards. Sir, I measured it and there was a cone!
  5. Good to see The Colonel out there working hard and leading in the block carries. Strong.
  6. Check out Amen at some important Wilderness workouts the next two weeks. Amen says he knows when the Huntersville Half occurs because it is one week before Mona Lisa’s Cookie Q. Lol.
  7. Frontier said I’m old. Or something like that. Words hurt, my friend. Good to see you today.
  8. Nice to meet Phoenix, who is definitely fitter than most of us when we started F3. He claims he is tired of his Dad running circles around him!
  9. Speaking of Possum…he did run circles around all of us today. He has officially achieved “Beast” status, and oh yeah; picked up a nice little MOTY award on Friday. Outstanding Sir!
  10. Thank you Ponch for the opportunity to lead and Jedi for the workout idea from ~7 years ago.

Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3.

