You can do anything for 7 minutes right?

Event Date

Mar 15, 2018

Warmarama with a little running in between:






Burpee suicide


The thang:


7 minutes of alternating 2 exercises:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 KB Swings

Run 2 laps around the church – sprint one side, mosey, repeat and go round 2x


7 minutes of alternating 2 exercises:

  • 6 squat to press with KB
  • 10 curls


Run around Church sprinting one side and slow mosey next side, go round 2X


Get about 75 yards from Hell’s Ascent:


Burpee – Tater Swing Ladder

10 Tater Swings

Run to hill and Quadraphilia 1X up the hill, come back down

2 burpees

Run back

Down 2 tater swings and up 2 burpees till get to 10 – EACH time we increase the Quadraphilia by 1, so round 2, you Quadraphilia up 2X, then 3X then 4X…


Low flutter with KB Press



  • Thanks to the men who showed up to support the Slayer…great AO with lots to offer and we tend to beat each other up, so when you commit to this and the Blender, you know it's gonna be a workout.  Hope I delivered today
  • We found out we CAN'T do 7 minutes of the second round of exercises straight with the KB's, but we took a few breaks and got through it
  • If anyone is interested in the MQ here, that would be welcome.  I've had it a few years now and happy to give it up to someone that is looking to take one over, just let me know.

Let the Madness begin!
