You Can do Anything for a Minute

Also: Badwagon, Kevorkian

Beefcake (WB), Packer (WD)

A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 13 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with kettle bells in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Blender style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of GCC.  Not too much mubble chatter, perhaps it was the warm-up or the jitters running down the spooky Meth Lane. 

Warm Up:
Louis Zamperini (Unbroken) – Kettle bell above head from Church patio to sign (approx. 120 yards)
Windmill x 5
SSH x 5
1.5 mile run (perimeter of Church grounds and Meth Lane)
Windmill x 5
SSH x 10

Main Event: Anything for a Minute

Pull Up Forest Neighborhood

Pull Up x 1 minute
Kettle bell squat-to-shoulder-press x 1 minute
Double kettle bell farmer’s walk x 1 minute
Double kettle bell standing shoulder press (right arm) x 1 minute
Step-up onto wall x 1 minute
Tricep dips x 1 minute
Kettle bell bent-over-row (right arm) x 1 minute
Kettle bell bent-over-row (left arm) x 1 minute
Kettle bell full curl x 1 minute
Pull Up x 30 seconds
Kettle bell squat-to-shoulder-press x 30 seconds
Double kettle bell farmer’s walk x 30 seconds
Double kettle bell standing shoulder press (right arm) x 30 seconds
Step-up onto wall x 30 seconds
Tricep dips x 30 seconds
Kettle bell bent-over-row (right arm) x 30 seconds
Kettle bell bent-over-row (left arm) x 30 seconds
Kettle bell full curl x 30 seconds
Mosey back to Church patio with kettle bell

Burpee x 10

Beginning Temperature: 55F
Weather conditions: Dry with a few puddles
Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely 2.00 mile
Total Planking Time: 0-1.5 minutes
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  Perhaps the WO above doesn’t look like much, but there sure was a lot of sweating pouring this morning.  Always goes way faster than it looks on paper; a lot of other tricks left in the wheel house that will have to come out to play next time.
2.  A few notables missing today, apparently working the polls in support of Scrappy for Judge – go Scrappy!  Smokey corrected everyone, making sure to be clear that everyone should vote for “Attorney George Bell” whomever that guy is.
3.  Great to see Special Sauce and Kevorkian back at it at the Blender. 
4.  Packer (aka The Real Bad Ass) noted that he hadn’t run 2 miles in some time, but still looked to be one of the front runners.
5.  Don’t look now, but Over Budget showed some good speed on the run.
6.  Bunyan noted that Bogey would find the 1.5 mile run a bit sacrilegious.
7.  One thing I noticed was that everyone looked solid.  Either this was way too easy or guys are getting stronger, as just about everyone sprinted for home – actually I’ve never witnessed so many guys sprinting for home with kettle bells like today.  So, the challenge is this: try going up in kettle bell weight in subsequent Blenders.  As I’m sure Bogey, Friday, Bunyan, and Over Budget will attest, a little extra kettle bell weight can make all the difference in the intensity of the Blender. 
8.  After doing well over 100 burpees on Saturday, I figured Special Sauce would grumble over the last exercise.
9.  As always, it was an honor to lead the PAX.  Word on the street is that Bogey is cooking up something special for the next Blender.